A mistake that I have made was when I was the age of 5 and I had just got a scooter. I had learned how to ride it after a while. I was trying to do a trick to show my mom that I can be like the big kids and do tricks. While I was riding my scooter I didn’t notice the trashcan on the ground. While I was about to do the trick, BANG! I had hit the trashcan full force.  I had cut my arm and legs open a little. My arm and legs were numb after I had fallen from my scooter.

My mom had taken to the house and into the bathroom to put alcohol on the wounds. From this mistake I have learned that don’t try to trick that experienced and professional people how to do. Also to wear arm and leg protection to prevent from getting hurt.  Kids if you want to learn how to do tricks wait until you’re a little older. I hope you readers can gain something from this blog and to leave some tricks to professionals. Also let your parent supervise to see if this trick is safe for you. Any person can do some tricks but not all of them. But kids remember to wear safety.

Don’t attempt the same mistake that I had made trying to be cool. This can lead to an injury. I care about a person’s health and safety. Attempt things at a slow pace and follow every step. Don’t rush into the trick without practicing the trick before doing it. I hope you enjoyed this blog and good luck!